N. C. vs Pickens County School District


N. C., a student at Daniel High School in Pickens County, was continuously harassed and bullied by a group of students at school during the 1998/1999 school year. During the course of four months, the bullies threatened and harassed N. C. almost daily in and out of school, hit N. C. in the head during a football game, repeatedly told N. C. he would be killed, urinated on gym clothes stored in his locker, and pointed a gun at him at a movie theater. N. C. and his parents met with the Principal and were told that N. C. was not safe in school. The bullying forced N. C.’s parents to rent an apartment in Greenville County so that N. C. could transfer to another school where he would be safe.

The Jury found that the school district had failed to exercise even the slightest care for N. C. and awarded damages of $2,500 for the emotional harm that N. C. experienced. Not long after his successful case, N. C. grew physically. He was already a good athlete but he became a college baseball pitcher. As you can see from his photo, N. C. has overcome the bullying episode with the help of his supportive parents who stuck with him throughout his ordeal.

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